
CPU attribution metrics [Beta]

You can now see a breakdown of which system processes use CPU for a Virtual Instance. These metrics are also available through our metrics endpoint. Learn more about these new metrics here.


Update Concurrent Query Execution Limit (CQEL) support

The Concurrent Query Execution Limit (CQEL) refers to the maximum number of queries that a single Virtual Instance will execute concurrently.


Tailing Metrics Added

The processing of streaming updates for live mounted collections is called tailing. We added metrics for a collection's tailing latency (rockset_leaf_tailing_latency_seconds) and tailing throughput (rockset_leaf_total_tailing_bytes) to the Metrics Endpoint.


Support for updating ingest transformation in the console

You can now update a collection's ingest transformation in the console. Learn more about updating ingest transformations here.


New Metrics in Virtual Instance page

We added new metrics and functionality to the console. You can now see a breakdown of which system processes use memory for a Virtual Instance and a new chart that shows the Cache Hit Rate. There is also a new time picker functionality and a new crosshair sync behavior between all the charts on the same page that shows the metric data for that point in time for the chart that is being hovered over.


Support for adding and removing sources in the console

You can now add sources to and remove sources from a collection in the console. Learn more about adding and removing sources here.


Support for using PARTITION BY with INSERT INTO s3

You can now split the results of a INSERT INTO s3 query such that records with the same field value will be emitted together in files prefixed with the value. Learn more here.


INSERT INTO s3 support for Parquet

The ability to export the query results from Rockset and write them directly to Amazon S3 in the Parquet data format. Learn more here.



Used to calculate the edit distance between two strings s1 and s2 according to the algorithm specified. This new EDIT_DISTANCE function replaces UDFs, offering up to a 10x speed-up on fuzzy search queries. Learn more here.


Support for ingesting Parquet files with ZSTD compression

Rockset now supports Parquet files using ZSTD compression as an ingestion format, making it easier to ingest compressed data for search and analytics. Learn more here.