
SQL join optimizations

Decreasing the number of memory allocations across sequential hash computation operations, thus improving efficiency of SQL joins.


Enhancements to column scans using the UNNEST function

New method for merging arrays for uncompacted collections resulting in a 10x performance improvement running column scans with UNNEST over arrays. This results in better performance for analytical queries over nested data.


Source Ingest Transformations [Beta]

You can now specify an ingest transformation for each source at collection creation time through the REST API's create collection endpoint. This uses the ingest_transformation field in the source field of the create collection request. Note this is different from the collection ingest transformation, which currently uses the field_mapping_query field. Learn more here.


Query Performance Profiling

New and improved experience in the console to help explain what impacts query performance, including new stats about cache hit rate.


Increased View and Alias Limits

View and Alias limits have been raised for all orgs to 1000. Note that any overrides set by support are still respected.


Increased Ingest Rate Limits

Improvements in performance and stability for ingest operations enable a 50% increase in ingest rate limits across all sizes. See new limits here.


Dedicated Streaming Ingest [Beta]

Dedicated Streaming Ingest is designed to support ingest latency-sensitive use cases. Learn more here.


Multi-polygon Support

Added support for multi-polygons as lists of polygons. See the functions ST_CONTAINS and ST_GEOGFROMTEXT.


Sydney Region Support

Rockset is now available in the AWS Sydney region (ap-southeast-2). You can enable your org to use the new region by using the region drop-down in the console. The API endpoint for the region is documented here.


Global Quick Navigation in Console

The new global search bar in the console allows users to summon a search bar by clicking on the search icon in the top bar or pressing the keystroke cmd/ctrl-K to navigate to any console resources quickly. Furthermore, it keeps track of what resources you've recently viewed on the console so you can quickly return.